Integrated Approach to address undernutrition in western terai district nawalparasi Nepal


Project Name



Pratappur Rural Municipality


1 January 2018 – 31 December 2019

Funding Organization/ Partner

Action Against Hunger

Local Stakeholder

Residents of Pratappur ward no 3,5,6 and Pratappur RM


800 Households

Total Budget (NRs)

Npr. 19485000.00


Contribute towards the reduction of undernutrition related morbidity and mortality of children aged 6-59 months with acute malnutrition


1.    Diversified and increased agriculture and small livestock production and productivity for food and nutrition security

2.    Children and women from vulnerable groups have improved them nutritional status through adoption of “healthy” home gardening and income saving

3.    Developed enabling environment for food and nutritional security at district level

4.    Women and smallholding farmers from the groups have acquainted themselves with knowledge on marketing their farm produces and importance of cooperatives and group dynamics

Major Activities

1.    Agricultural and livestock input support

2.    Technical training for different livelihood activities

3.    Input support for home stead garden and mushroom farming.

4.    Co-ordination meeting and field monitoring visit including district line agencies staff

5.    Development of model kitchen garden

6.    Nutritional enhancement of ultra-poor Households through poultry farming

Major Achievement

1.    367 Households of Pratappur rural municipality ward no 3,5 and 7 started homestead gardens.

2.    579 Households of Pratappur rural municipality ward no 3,5 and 7 started poultry keeping.

3.    170 Households of Pratappur rural municipality ward no 3,5 and 7 started mushroom farming.

4.    200 Households sold vegetables in local haat bazar.

5.    50 Ultra poor household started semi commercial poultry farming.

6.    30 improved cattle shed along with home gardens were established.

7.    550 Households received different agriculture and livestock related trainings.

8.    IEC/BCC materials related to home garden and poultry published.

Major lesson learnt

Since the project beneficiaries were close to Indian Border lots of children born in India living at relative’s home tried to become group member. The submission of Nepali birth certificate was made mandatory to became the group member.

High mortality of chicks due to carelessness of farmers and poor management. Farmers contribution for chicks should be made compulsory to make farmers more responsible.

Better coordination between health and agriculture sector should be made regarding the awareness related to malnutrition and balanced diet consumption.


Contact for Detail Information

Shailesh Kumar Acharya