Utilization of Organic Wastes for Agricultural Production in Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Bharatpur Municipality

Assignment Name: 

Utilization of Organic Wastes for Agricultural Production in Urban and 

Peri-urban Areas of Bharatpur Municipality 



Location Within Country: 

Chitwan District

Professional Staff Provided by Your Consultant/Entity (Profile):

3-Professional Staff

(Min Raj Bhandari-Team Leader/Agriculturist, Ramlal Shrestha-Agri. Technician)

Name of Client:

National Agriculture Research and Development Fund (NARDF)


Kathmandu, Nepal

Number of Staff Months:

28 Months

Duration of Assignment:

Start Date (Month/Year): 

April, 2008

Completion Date 

(Month/Year): March, 2010

Approx. Value of Services Proposal:

National Level: Nrs 1,000,000.00 International Level: US$

Name of Associated Consultant, If Any:

Not Applicable

No. of Staff Provided by Associated:

Not Applicable

Value of Services:

NPR 1,000,000.00

Source of Financing:

National Agriculture Research and Development Fund (NARDF)

Name of Senior Staff and Designation (Project Director/Team Leader/Coordinator etc) involved and Function Performed: Name: Mr. Min Raj Bhandari, Designation: Team Leader

Performed Function: Activity and resource planning, Organizing and motivating a project team, Controlling time management, Cost estimating and developing the budget, Ensuring client and beneficiaries’ satisfaction, Analyzing and managing project risk, Monitoring progress, Managing reports and necessary documentation of project.

Narrative Description of the Project: Waste with related to inorganic pesticides was realized since early 1990s, when the obsolete pesticides in the different stores of the AIC were disposed in the Siwalik foothills. Because of the complex regulatory issues and lack of technology, very little work has been done for the safe disposal of the pesticides. In addition to in organic waste, organic wastes such as remnants of food items which are used in daily household consumption, animal feeds; industrial bi-products (papers, polyethylene materials), bio-gas slurry etc. are considered major organic wastes. Their improper disposal, burning, burying and disposing in public area, garbage bins in open places and stream etc. can lead to a range of environmental problems. They have tremendous uses against insect pest control if managed and recycled properly. These practice may reduce the total volume of pesticide use, improve environmental problem and health related problem. In the long run, the output may significantly contribute for the safer environment, alternative to the chemical pesticides and save the hard earned currencies.

Description of the Actual Services Provided by Your Staff: 

  • The nature, sources and volume of organic wastes in the municipal area determined and quantified;
  • Recyclable organic waste collected and separated for further testing;
  • Cost effective and locally appropriate practices for recycling of organic waste developed and   


  • Mechanisms for production, utilization and dissemination of domestic organic waste developed and    
