Assignment Name: | Commercial Production, Value Chain, and Market Development of Ginger in Western and Mid-Western Regions of Nepal | |
Country: | Nepal | |
Location Within Country: | Salyan, Pyuthan , Syanja and Nawalparasi District | |
Professional Staff Provided by Your Consultant/Entity (Profile): | 14-Professional Staff (Dev Raj Chalesi, Project Coordinator,) | |
Name of Client: | USAID/NEAT | |
Address: | Kathmandu, Nepal | |
Number of Staff Months: | 238 Months | |
Duration of Assignment: | Start Date (Month/Year): November, 2011 | Completion Date (Month/Year): April, 2013 |
Approx. Value of Services Proposal: | National Level: Nrs 14,872,760.00 International Level: US$ | |
Name of Associated Consultant, If Any: | Not Applicable | |
No. of Staff Provided by Associated: | Not Applicable | |
Value of Services: | NPR 14,872,760.00 | |
Source of Financing: | USAID/NEAT | |
Name of Senior Staff and Designation (Project Director/Team Leader/Coordinator etc) involved and Function Performed: Name: Mr. Dev Raj Chalesi, Designation: Project Coordinator Performed Function: Activity and resource planning, Organizing and motivating a project team, Controlling time management, Cost estimating and developing the budget, Ensuring client and beneficiaries’ satisfaction, Analyzing and managing project risk, Monitoring progress, Managing reports and necessary documentation of project. | ||
Narrative Description of the Project: The project is implementing on production based activities including promoting higher ginger varieties organic fertilizers and pesticides, developing ginger source seed production areas, providing trainings, and disseminating IPM, INM technologies. To improve marketing, there are organized marketing workshops, ginger market exposure visit, develop labelling and certification systems for ginger products, establish collection centers, and develop market linkages. Throughout all project activities the institutional capacities and networks of the farmer groups and organizations are strengthened. | ||
Description of the Actual Services Provided by Your Staff: Baseline study is conducted in all four district, Strengthening farmer’s cooperatives and establishment of collection centre to support on marketing of ginger and ginger’s products, 4000 HHs are affiliated and starting commercial ginger production in program area of project districts, adopting of high yielding ginger varieties, Trained and capacity build 120 Local Resource persons (LRP) at VDC level for sustainability on improved ginger cultivation technologies, Establishment and demonstration of 120 organic fertilizers and pesticides based plots for wider dissemination of technologies, Demonstration of solar dryers and peeling machine for promotion in terms of quality and acceptability of final products of ginger.120 LFs trained and mobilized on improved cultivation and various processing technologies such as ginger candy, ginger pickle, ginger squash and in-vitro ginger rhizome preservation etc. Establishment, capacity building and strengthening and networking of Cooperative in program districts. |