Local Governance And Community Development Program (LGCDP), Social Mobilization Program

Assignment Name: 

Local Governance And Community Development Program (LGCDP), Social Mobilization Program



Location Within Country: 

Bharatpur and Madi Municipality in Chitwan District

Professional Staff Provided by Your Consultant/Entity (Profile):

2-Professional Staff (Min Raj Bhandari-Project Director and Project Coordinator-Bharatpur Sub-Metropolitan City, Rishi Ram Neupane-Project Coordinator-Madi Municiaplity)

Name of Client:

Bharatpur Sub-Metropolitan City and Madi Municipality


Kathmandu, Nepal

Number of Staff Months:

60 Months

Duration of Assignment:

Start Date (Month/Year): 

January, 2015

Completion Date 

(Month/Year): June, 2017

Approx. Value of Services Proposal:

National Level: Nrs 2,340,000.00 International Level: US$

Name of Associated Consultant, If Any:

Not Applicable

No. of Staff Provided by Associated:

Not Applicable

Value of Services:

NPR 2,340,000.00

Source of Financing:


Name of Senior Staff and Designation (Project Director/Team Leader/Coordinator etc) involved and Function Performed: Name: Mr. Minraj Bhandari, Designation: Director

Performed Function: Activity and resource planning, Organizing and motivating a project team, Controlling time management, Cost estimating and developing the budget, Ensuring client and beneficiaries’ satisfaction, Analyzing and managing project risk, Monitoring progress, Managing reports and necessary documentation of project.

Narrative Description of the Project: LGCDP is a national program with an over-arching goal to contribute towards poverty reduction through inclusive, responsive and accountable local governance and participatory community-led development, was executed by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD) with technical and financial assistance from development partners. It provided an overall framework for decentralization, devolution and improving local governance system for effective delivery of basic services and for empowerment of citizens, especially women, children and Disadvantaged Groups (DAGs) and their institutions.

Description of the Actual Services Provided by Your Staff: Formation and Reformation of Ward
Citizen Forum in each wards of municipality; 16 Citizen Awareness Center consists of around 30 members each from marginalized community was considered as inseparable and vital part of social mobilization program had been formed in each ward of Bharatpur and Madi Municipality. Social mobiliser had been established 16 Citizen’s Awareness Centre (CAC) in each ward of both municipality; Total of 800 REFLECT classes were conducted during the project period; Twelve CACs were operating in Bharatpur and four CAC in Madi Municipality;  Women of marginalized and poor community had been participating in reflect classes. They were aware about different social issues and empowered and started saving and searching potential Income generation activities for their economic growth; Livelihood Improvement Program (LIP) had been conducted for the members of the CAC as a revolving fund to improve their livelihood.